***** レポート概要 *****
◆英語タイトル:Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas 2014-2018
***** レポート目次(一部抜粋) *****
07. Market Segmentation by Product
07.1 DCS Market in the Americas
07.2 PLC Market in the Americas
07.3 SCADA Market in the Americas
07.4 MES Market in the Americas
07.5 APC Market in the Americas
08. Market Segmentation by End-users
08.1 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in Process Industries
08.2 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in the Power Industry
08.3 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in the Oil and Gas Industry
08.4 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in the Pharmaceutical Industry
08.5 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in the Pulp and Paper Industry
08.6 Industrial Automation Control Market in the Americas in the Food and Beverage Industry
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